What should we do with the rain?

By Paul Cereghino, NOAA Restoration Center In our green coastal crescent, around a billion liters of water falls on every square kilometer of land. It would form a waist-deep lake to the horizon, if it didn’t run to the sea. In the mountains, the deluge would cover...

North Cove: The Erosion of a Coastal Community

By Kevin Decker, Washington Sea GrantAt the northern shore of Willapa Bay in southwest Washington lies the community of North Cove. Currently, there is a battle going on between the residents of North Cove and the erosion that threatens their homes. These satellite...

Risk Assessment: A Step Toward Resilience

By Ann Schnitz, Environmental Toxicologist at Baldwin Consulting Group Risk assessment, whether it be ecological or human health, considers the impacts of toxic constituents on people and the environment. It evaluates which receptors are affected via the potential...

2017 Northwest Climate Conference

The 8th Annual Northwest Climate Conference will be held this October in Tacoma, Washington! Each year, the Northwest Climate Conference is a highly-anticipated opportunity to share and learn with others working on climate-related issues in the Pacific Northwest, and...