by admin | Sep 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Paul Cereghino, NOAA Restoration Center In our green coastal crescent, around a billion liters of water falls on every square kilometer of land. It would form a waist-deep lake to the horizon, if it didn’t run to the sea. In the mountains, the deluge would cover...
by admin | Aug 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Tina Whitman, Science Director, Friends of the San JuansIn San Juan County Washington, private shoreline property owners are critical partners in efforts to protect nearshore habitat while addressing the impacts of sea level rise. This is because over 90% of San...
by admin | Aug 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Lili Bastian, Marc Hershman Marine Policy Fellow at the Washington State Department of EcologyIn June, Washington Sea Grant’s Ian Miller gave an introduction to the first objective of the Washington Coastal Resilience Project (WCRP): developing and communicating...
by admin | Jul 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
My decision to join the CHRN is a matter of “unfinished business.” I was a glaciologist with NASA for my entire career, based at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and conducting research on the dynamics of ice sheets, both using a variety of...
by admin | Jun 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Ian Miller, Washington Sea GrantA few months ago Washington Sea Grant’s Paul Dye put together a blog post for the CHRN describing the conceptual underpinnings of the Washington Coastal Resilience Project (WCRP). Now that the WCRP is a bit more than a year...
by admin | May 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Kevin Decker, Washington Sea GrantAt the northern shore of Willapa Bay in southwest Washington lies the community of North Cove. Currently, there is a battle going on between the residents of North Cove and the erosion that threatens their homes. These satellite...
by admin | May 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Bobbak Talebi, Coastal Planner, Washington State Department of EcologyAt the Department of Ecology, we have been working in partnership (with many CHRN members) to support community-led initiatives that build resilience to the physical, social, and economic...
by admin | Apr 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Janan Evans-Wilent, Marine Resource Management Master’s student at Oregon State University Many coastal communities are facing hard decisions and tradeoffs about how to protect their coastlines while planning for the realities of climate change, particularly...
by admin | Mar 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Ann Schnitz, Environmental Toxicologist at Baldwin Consulting Group Risk assessment, whether it be ecological or human health, considers the impacts of toxic constituents on people and the environment. It evaluates which receptors are affected via the potential...
by admin | Mar 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
The 8th Annual Northwest Climate Conference will be held this October in Tacoma, Washington! Each year, the Northwest Climate Conference is a highly-anticipated opportunity to share and learn with others working on climate-related issues in the Pacific Northwest, and...