Conserving Sediment Sources in Drift Cells

By Randy Johnson, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Habitat ProgramFor a variety of reasons, humans are deeply attached to and highly value accretionary shoreforms, i.e. sand and gravel beaches, spits, and other low-angle, non-rocky shoreline features. These have also been...

Landslides on Puget Sound: The Winter of 1996-1997

Rolling Bay landslide on Bainbridge Island, 1997. Photo from By Hugh ShipmanTwenty years ago this month, the Puget Sound region was entering its second wet winter in a row. Western Washington had seen...

Reflections on the Mid-October 2016 Storm Event

By Joel Darnell, P.E.If you are like me, you spent a fair bit of time in mid-October glued to your favorite weather blog  or checking your trusty weather station to track the major series of storms barreling towards the Pacific Northwest. Predictions generally pointed...