Webinar: Ocean Research in the Coming Decade

On Thursday, December 8, 2016 from 8am to 9am PST, the Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology under the National Science Technology Council (NSTC)  is hosting its first public webinar for the Upcoming 10-Year Ocean Research Plan, tentatively titled, “Ocean...

The Key to Continued Climate Work

By Jessica EngelThe 7th Annual Northwest Climate Conference took place November 14-16. It was as if the timing of the conference was perfectly planned to take place directly after this year’s Presidential election and there were no shortages of discussions about our...

Weekend Photo Op: High Tides

By Lili Bastian, Marine Policy Fellow at WA Department of EcologyKing Tide season isn’t here yet, but this weekend should provide an early opportunity to witness some exceptionally high tides along the coast. In fact, the coming storm could bring some of the highest...

Barrow Area Information Database

By Greg Curtiss, Golder Associates Inc.Hello everyone,I’d like to share a coastal change tool I came across recently.  The Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) has released four web apps for mapping coastal change in Barrow. There is an Imagery Time Viewer, Coastal...