Save the Date! 2025 CHRN Annual Meeting

Empowering coastal communities through collaborative knowledge exchange to address coastal hazards and foster climate resiliency.

Join coastal decision-makers, planners, resource managers, researchers, and other practitioners for a day
of knowledge sharing and partnership-building around the exciting and important work that is currently
happening in Washington’s coastal resilience space. This event is targeted towards coastal hazards and
climate resiliency practitioners from local, state, and federal government agencies, tribes, academic
institutions, consulting firms, and nonprofit organizations, though anyone is welcomed to join.

The 2025 Annual Meeting will be all day Monday, June 9th, at the Lacey Community Center in Lacey, WA.  Registraion is free and lunch will be provided. 

Register is required and will be open soon. Make sure you are signed up for our listserv to receive details.