Interactive Sea Level Rise Projection Tools

About the Interactive Sea Level Rise Projection Tools

The Washington State sea level rise data projection modules (also called “data visualization” tools) located below were created by the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group. They allow users to explore how sea level projections change over time (2020-2150) for over 171 distinct locations along the Washington coast. They are based on data from the Miller et al. 2018 sea level rise assessment.

Visualization 1 allows the user to select a location and view various likelihoods for how much sea level rise could occur at different points in time.

Visualization 2 allows the user to select a location and a certain amount of sea level rise, and explore the likelihood that the selected amount of sea level rise will occur at a given point in time (e.g., you know the amount of sea level change you are planning for, and you want to know the likelihood that this amount will be exceeded at a given point in time).

Data note: Each tool provides an excel spreadsheet data download link in the lower right hand corner.

Access and use these tools below or visit the Climate Impacts Group page

The NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer can be used in combination with these tools to display community-level simulations of coastal flooding or sea level rise. It also contains additional useful data sets. 

For additional questions or help using the sea level rise projection tools

Use the Visualization Tools

VISUALIZATION #1: Projected sea level change by year

VISUALIZATION #2: Likelihood of a given sea level change by year