Coastal Flooding: An Overview
Coastal flooding can be exacerbated by increased river flows, sea level rise, coastal storms, King Tides, or tsunamis.
The probability of flooding is described by "recurrence intervals."
Recurrence intervals describe the likelihood (percentage) that water levels will reach a specific magnitude in a year.
Prepare for coastal flooding:
Be aware of historic flooding and future sea level rise.
Support local planning efforts.
Adapt your project to coastal flooding.
What is coastal flooding?
Coastal flooding occurs when low-lying land is flooded by seawater. Multiple factors can combine to cause coastal flooding:
- Storm surge – changes in atmospheric pressure can elevate seawater levels during a storm, pushing more water toward the shore.
- Wind-driven waves – wind can push water higher and further onto land, causing coastal flooding.
- High tides and king tides – high tides can combine with other factors to cause coastal flooding. King tides are exceptionally high tides caused by one or more astronomical events.
- Sea level rise – as daily tides become higher, smaller magnitudes of storm surge, wind and other factors will result in coastal flooding.
- Increased river flows – increased river discharge (caused by changes in rainfall, groundwater storage, and melting snowpack) can combine with seawater levels to flood coastal areas.
- Tsunamis – these giant waves (caused by earthquakes and large landslides) can lead to particularly disastrous coastal flooding.
Topography (the specific shapes and features of land surfaces) affects how coastal flooding occurs. Washington is a geologically varied area with steep rocky coastlines, sandy shores, bays and estuaries. The variation in our shorelines means that coastal flooding has different intensities at different locations, which is amplified by changing wind conditions.
How may coastal flooding affect me?
If you live in a coastal community, coastal flooding may damage your house, vehicle, business or other private property. Even if your possessions are out of harm’s way, coastal flooding can damage infrastructure that you and many others rely on: wastewater treatment plants, stormwater outfalls, ferry terminals, coastal roads, rail transportation and more. Coastal flooding can also cause increased erosion, exacerbating the effects of flooding.
How much coastal flooding should I expect, and when?
Coastal flooding is influenced by many factors. Some of these factors are more likely to occur seasonally, such as wintertime storm surge, king tides, and increased river flows. Others occur over a long period of time, such as sea level rise, or occur instantaneously regardless of seasonality or predictability, such as tsunamis.
Disregarding tsunamis, the likelihood of flooding in your area can be described by “recurrence intervals.” Expressed as percentages, recurrence intervals describe the likelihood that water levels will reach a specific magnitude during a specific time range. These percentages are sometimes referred to in terms of years, such as the term “100-year flood.” This term means that there is a 1-in-100 (1%) chance that an extreme flood of this magnitude will happen in any given year. A “20-year flood” means that there is a 1-in-20 (5%) chance, and a “5-year flood” means that there is a 1-in-5 (20%) chance. You can visualize these numbers on a map by using NOAA’s Sea Level Rise Viewer. While this app is meant for sea level rise, the slider can portray local increases in water level due to many factors.
As sea levels rise, extreme coastal water levels will occur more often. This means that a “100-year flood” may become a “20-year flood.” With sea level rise, today’s extreme flood event could become tomorrow’s high tide. Storms will combine with these frequent high tides, causing extreme high waters to occur more often. This will result in coastal flooding that lasts longer, has higher water levels, and has impacts further inland. For more information see our Sea Level Rise Introduction.
A tsunami will result in coastal flooding to a larger degree than discussed here. For more information on tsunamis, see our Tsunami Introduction.
Extreme Still Water Level Magnitudes (feet above MHHW, 2019) | |||||
recurrence interval | 1-year | 5-year | 20-year | 50-year | 100-year |
annual exceedance probability | 100% | 20% | 5% | 2% | 1% |
magnitude: Puget Sound | 1.2 | 2.6 | 2.9 | 3.1 | 3.2 |
magnitude: Pacific coast | 2 | 3.3 | 3.7 | 3.9 | 4 |
This chart describes recurrence intervals or annual exceedance probabilities, and the associated water levels for Puget Sound and Pacific coast shorelines. The water levels are expressed in terms of feet above mean higher high water (MHHW), or the average high tide. “Still water level” is the coastal water elevation due to average high tide plus storm surge, or everything except for waves and wave run-up, described in detail in Miller et al. (2019).
Why should I care now?
Wise planning can conserve and restore coastal ecosystems, ensuring that these protective buffers are not lost to flood-prone development. By considering which areas are susceptible to flooding, coastal communities can develop a diversified set of strategies to adapt to high waters such as: structural flood protection measures (e.g., dikes and levees), early warning systems, risk-informed land planning, nature-based solutions (e.g., natural floodplains, wetlands, and oyster reefs), and social protection and risk financing instruments (e.g., flood insurance). These strategies can make your community more resilient to flooding.
What can I do about it?
Educate yourself:
- Pay attention to high waters in your area to see what normal water levels may look like in the future. For example, you can attend a local King Tides Viewing Party, sponsored by Washington Sea Grant.
- Attend Shoreline and Coastal Planners Group meetings or a Coastal Training Program course.
Get involved in local coastal planning:
- Contact local planners, planning commissions or Marine Resource Committees to share experiences, voice concerns, recommend that public projects account for sea level rise or attend a public meeting.
- Engage with local Shoreline Master Program or Comprehensive Plan (Growth Management Act) updates to encourage wise planning for the future.
- Download the MyCoast app to document storm surge, king tides, changes to your local shoreline, and more. This information is used to better understand coastal hazards and their impacts, while raising awareness among decision-makers and stakeholders.
Adapt your project to coastal flooding:
- Consider sea level rise early in a project, when new permits are required, during renovations or during repairs.
- Visit the Washington Coastal Hazards Risk Reduction Project Mapper to see how other people in Washington have adapted to coastal hazards or connect with an expert via the Washington Coastal Hazards Resilience Network.
Where can I learn more about coastal flooding in Washington?
See our Coastal Flooding: Research and Tools page for real-time water level monitoring, interactive maps, historic shorelines, and more tools to assist with coastal flooding.
See our Coastal Hazards Risk Reduction Project Mapper for case studies of projects adapting to coastal flooding and other coastal hazards.
See our Planning Assistance page for resources related to jurisdictional planning for coastal flooding.
See Washington Sea Grant’s King Tide Program page for more informaiton and resources related to King Tides and the MyCoast App.
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