Wahkiakum County Marine Resources Committee meeting

River Street Meeting Room 25 River Street, Suite D, Cathlamet, WA, United States

Wahkiakum MRC meetings are the fourth Monday of each month unless it falls on a holiday and then it will change to another date.  They are held in the River Street meeting room at 25 River Street, Suite D in Cathlamet, WA.

10th Annual Northwest Climate Conference

Sentinel Hotel, Portland, OR Sentinel Hotel, Portland, OR, United States

https://www.nwclimateconference.org/ JOIN US IN PORTLAND October 8–10 at the Sentinel Hotel for the 10th Annual Northwest Climate Conference. The Northwest Climate Conference provides a unique opportunity to learn from and connect with a diverse community of experts fostering a more climate resilient Northwest. The event brings together practitioners, scientists, tribal communities, and decision-makers to share knowledge, […]

Pacific County Marine Resource Committee Meeting

Pacific County Annex Building 1216 Robert Bush Drive West, South Bend, WA, United States

Pacific County MRC meetings occur every month on the second Thursday, at 5pm, with alternating locations. South Bend meetings are at the Pacific County Annex Building, 1216 Robert Bush Drive West, South Bend, WA 98586. The Long Beach Meetings are held at the Pacific County offices, 7016 Sandridge Rd, Long Beach, WA 98631.

2019 Coastal Marine Resources Committees Summit

Olympic Natural Resources Center 1455 S Forks Avenue, Forks, WA, United States

October 23rd -24th : Olympic Natural Resources Center, 1455 S Forks Ave, Forks, WA October 25th : Makah Tribal Marina Conference Center, 1321 Bayview Ave, Neah Bay, WA

University of Washington EarthLab All-Hands Showcase [webinar]

TOPIC: UW Climate Impact Group Project Showcase DATE: May 26th 1-3 pm REGISTER: Follow the Link to RSVP We are excited to welcome you to the inaugural UW EarthLab All-Hands Showcase next week Tuesday, May 26th 1-3pm, via Zoom. This will be a unique chance to learn about some of the Climate Impacts Group’s recent projects, as well […]

Association of State Wetlands Managers Hot Topics Series

Association of State Wetlands Managers Hot Topics Series TOPIC: Importance of Wetlands in Floodplain Function and Ecosystem Services DATE: Friday, May 29, 2020 - 3:00 pm-4:30 pm REGISTER: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5478419346727775758 SPONSORED BY: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service PRESENTERS: * Dave Fowler, Association of State Floodplain Managers * Brian Ritter, Nahant Marsh Education Center * Shelly Morris, […]

[webinar] National Weather Service Partner Webinar: Should Advisories go away?

TOPIC: National Weather Service (NWS) proposing changes to the Watch/Warning/ Advisory System DATE/TIME:This event is a 5 part series Thursday June 4 9:00 am PST Wednesday June 17 10:00 am PST Thursday July 9 8:00 am PST Thursday July 23 9:00 am PST PRESENTERS: DESCRIPTION: The NWS is looking for input for proposed changes in […]

[webinar] Speaker Series Event: Tsunami Hazards in Whatcom County

TOPIC: Latest tsunami models & historic tsunami deposits in the North Sound area DATE/TIME: Thursday June 4, 2020  5:00-6:00 pm PST PRESENTERS: Dr. Carrie Garrison-Laney, Tsunami Hazards Specialist & PMEL Liason, WA Sea Grant Hosted by: Whatcom Marine Resource Committee, Puget Sound Partnership, EPA WEBINAR INFORMATION Join from PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: […]