The Washington Coastal Hazards Resilience Network (CHRN) is a community of practice focused on supporting resilience to coastal hazards across the state. Members are working together toward a common mission and the CHRN is a mechanism to support the group’s collective capacity in providing the information, hands-on assistance, and leveraged resources needed to support community action.
The CHRN maintains a coastal resilience listserv for sharing information, resources, and events related to coastal hazards planning, adaptation, and resilience topics. A Pacific Northwest Coastal Hazards Newsletter is also circulated on a monthly basis via the listserv. Anyone is welcome to join the listserv: click here to subscribe.
The CHRN also supports an extensive membership directory. If you are a hazards and/or resilience practitioner (e.g. planner, researcher, consultant, engineer, non-profit, tribal, federal, state, or local government staff, etc.) and would like to be listed as a member on this website, please contact us at the email addresses below. Members agree to provide their email address so that anyone can reach out to them with questions or inquiries related to their fields of expertise. Members are also invited to events such as the annual CHRN meeting, where members discuss the latest coastal hazards work across Washington’s shorelines.
Membership is fully voluntary – there are no obligations or dues. However, membership is periodically monitored to ensure the CHRN continues to serve our state’s coastal hazard practitioners. The listserv and membership pages are not used for advertisements or marketing.
If you are interested in joining the CHRN as a member listed on the directory, please email Noah Linck at