Willapa Erosion Control Action Now (WECAN)

Supporting ongoing erosion control and shoreline recovery projects along the northern
shore of Willapa Bay in Pacific County, Washington.

WECAN Overview

The Willapa Erosion Control Action Now (WECAN) community forum was established in 2015 to provide a means of coordinating action to address the ongoing erosion issues along the north shore of Willapa Bay in Pacific County, Washington. This webpage provides information for WECAN and other interested parties on upcoming meetings and recent announcements, as well as details on ongoing and completed projects, relevant news articles and reports, and other resources.

Latest News and Upcoming Meetings

Previous meeting: WECAN held an in person meeting at the Grange Hall in Grayland on August 14, 2024. More information, including a brief recap and copies of presentation slides, can be found on the Meetings page. The North Cove Dynamic Revetment Project and Graveyard Spit Restoration & Resilience Project are both now fully funded!

Previous updates:

Additional Information

  • To see a list of WECAN members and project leads, visit the WECAN contact page.
  • Wash Away No More is a local community organization, active in WECAN since its formation, that supports and promotes erosion control measures on the North Shore of Willapa Bay. The name refers to their work to prevent the continued erosion of so-called Washaway Beach in North Cove. The Wash Away No More live feed can be viewed to the left.