Nominations Open for CRS Award for Excellence

Nominations are being sought for the 2014 CRS Award for Excellence, which acknowledges outstanding effort by an individual at the local level to improve people’s understanding of the dangers of flooding and the ways flood damage can be avoided, promote the purchase of flood insurance, and contribute to community well-being.

Nominees for the award could be a local government official, insurance agent, business professional, real estate professional, floodplain manager, or other local leader. They should

 –Be actively involved in a CRS community and knowledgeable about the risk of local flooding;

–Be active in promoting the use of flood insurance to help households prepare for the possibility of flood damage;

–Be active in encouraging community leaders to improve local safety and resilience to flooding and other disasters; and

–Have noteworthy achievements in the area of alerting residents and businesses to potential flood dangers and promoting the purchase of flood insurance.

Nomination forms for the CRS Award for Excellence can be downloaded from the web at The deadline for nominations and applications is February 28, 2014.