Our goal is to strengthen the resilience of Washington’s coastal communities through collaboration, education, and knowledge exchange. This website provides a curated selection of relevant science, best practices, and other resources related to coastal hazards in Washington.
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Lunch & Learn – Whatcom County Compound Flood Vulnerability Assessment: A CoSMoS Use-Case
CHRN Lunch & Learn
Convening coastal resilience practitioners for two-way knowledge sharing
The Washington Coastal Hazards Resilience Network (CHRN) is excited to continue our Lunch & Learn series. The Lunch & Learn provides a space for practitioners working in the coastal resilience realm to share a bit about their work, connect with other CHRN members, receive input from the group, and develop collaborative partnerships.
Join us Tuesday, September 7th from 1-1:50pm for “Whatcom County Compound Flood Vulnerability Assessment – A CoSMoS Use Case.” Kurt Baumgarten (Environmental Planner for the Port of Bellingham) and Chris Elder (Watershed Planner for Whatcom County’s Public Works Department) will present on Whatcom County’s Compound Flood Vulnerability Assessment. Kurt and Chris will talk about the process for completing this vulnerability assessment, the funding through the Department of Ecology, where the County is going with phase 2 of the grant, and touch on insights of the collaboration between the city, the county and the port. They will also discuss how they used CoSMoS data in the assessment, and how they plan to use it in Phase 2 for adaptation planning and policy.
Register in advance here (required).
Introducing a new option for connecting with CHRN: Office Hours and Lunch and Learns!
We are happy to announce that we are now offering “office hours” in the form of a virtual open forum/drop-in option. This new opportunity spawns from 2024 Annual Meeting Feedback, which included lots of interest in connecting more frequently with other CHRN members throughout the year. We’re also hosting Lunch & Learn series that provides a space for practitioners working in the coastal resilience realm to share a bit about their work and connect with other CHRN members. Next event info:
- What: Lunch and Learn with WA Emergency Management Division and Floodplains by Design.
- When: The next lunch and learn presentation will be March 6th at 1pm.
- How: Zoom meeting (use this link here). Password: 1234
- Who: Anyone is invited!