Project Support: an Overview

In this section you will find planning resources from our partners to get your project off the ground, funding opportunities, examples of existing projects, and an opportunity to connect with our members. If you would like to share your completed project please fill out the Risk Reduction Project Example Survey.

Planning Assistance

List of planning and educational resources that will help you get prepared for coastal hazards.
Plans can come in the form of Shoreline Master Programs, Hazard Mitigation Plans, or otherwise. These plans are usually created by local planning commissions made up of community members, and enforced by local governments.

Funding Opportunities

List of potential funding sources for your project. While many of these are not specifically for coastal hazards, they can all be applied to coastal hazards resilience projects or planning.

CHRN Partnership Projects

CHRN supports hazards resilience efforts along the Washington Coast by promoting collaboration and new partnerships, sharing information and lessons learned, and otherwise building local capacity. CHRN partnership projects include:

The Resilience Action Demonstration Project

The Washington Coastal Resilience Project

Willapa Erosion Control Action Now (WECAN)

Project Mapper

This map is designed to assist communities and local governments as they identify practical approaches to coastal hazards and learn from others facing similar issues in Washington. We hope that these case studies will answer questions for your project and build a network of people supporting resilient coastal communities and the ecosystems.

Mappers and Visualization Databases for Resilience Planning

This page provides a list of interactive maps, visualization resources, and other informational databases that support understanding of coastal hazards risks and coastal resilience project planning. These resources can provide useful supplementary information and context to the projects listed on the Risk Reduction Project Mapper.

Connect with a Member

The CHRN is a community of practice and is not used for advertisements or marketing. Members are working together toward a common mission and the CHRN is a mechanism to support the group’s collective capacity in providing the information, hands-on assistance and leveraged resources needed to support community action.