Mappers and Visualization Databases

for Coastal Hazards Resilience Planning

This page provides a list of interactive maps, visualization resources, and other informational databases that support understanding of coastal hazards risks and coastal resilience project planning.

Washington Sea Level Rise Interactive Projection Tool

Scientists in Washington published absolute and relative sea level rise projecitons for Washington shorelines out to year 2150. This includes a sea level rise assessment, interactive projection tools, and helpful tutorials.

USGS Coastal Storm Modeling Tool

The Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) predicts the combined impacts of coastal storms, sea level rise, and river flooding at the local scale. Products include a coastal flooding tool, a groundwater tool, a coastal erosion tool, and a multihazard tool. CoSMoS is currently be rolled out for Washington.

Washington State Coastal Atlas

The Washington State Coastal Atlas is interactive decision-support mapping tool for the Washington State coastline and nearshore waters. It houses a considerable amount of data that can be displayed as map layers and downloaded as customized PDF maps.

Datasets include historical shoreline photography, existing shoreline uses, habitat extents, hydrography, and more. The atlas can aid in identifying potential risks, siting conflicts, and long-term suitability for particular coastal projects in Washington State. It was developed by the WA State Dept. of Ecology.

Risk Mapping Assessment & Planning (RiskMAP)

The mission of the Washington State RiskMAP program is to increase our resilience to natural hazards through data-driven risk assessments that map, evaluate, and provide mitigation solutions to reduce exposure and risk.

This platform houses several different interactive maps that display 1) Current RiskMAP projects underway in Washington State, 2) Current flood hazard areas, and 3) a tool for providing feedback on flood hazard maps.

The RiskMAP program is coordinated through the WA State Dept. of Ecology with support from multiple agencies who share risk reduction programs and strategies.

NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer

Use this web mapping tool to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence.

This tool was developed by NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management.

WA Marine Spatial Plan Mapping Application

Explore Washington State’s Marine Spatial Plan data layers through this interactive mapping tool. This tool includes data layers showing human uses, marine life, habitat, physical oceanography of Washington’s coastal waters, and more.

This tool was designed to support the public in participating in the Marine Spatial Planning process. There is also a data catalog for downloading data, metadata, and original source information.

Puget Sound Soft Shore & Armor Alternative Project Examples

This web map tool provides examples of shoreline projects on Puget Sound where alternatives to hard shoreline armoring were used. All projects shown either avoided, reduced, or removed hard armor.

Projects can be filtered based on specific management actions taken (e.g., armor removed, beach nourishment, etc.) or by their geomorphic setting (e.g., beach, bluff, river mouth, etc.). This tool was developed by the WA State Dept. of Ecology.

State of Washignton Geospatial Open Data Portal

This website is run by the Washington State Geographic Informaiton Council and includes geospatial resources for decision-makers and the public.

Catrgories of data and apps available include interactive maps, natural hazards, jurisdicitonal boundaries, economic data, geology, agriculture and farm, environment, public educaiton, health, water resources, transportation, and more.