Strengthening the resilience of Washington’s coastal communities through collaboration, education, and knowledge exchange

Spilsbury, Dawn

Spilsbury, Dawn

Ecologist/GIS Analyst

PSEMP Salmonid Work Group Coordinator

Dawn is an ecologist and GIS Analyst with 24 years of experience in the Pacific Northwest currently working with Facet, Inc.. As one of the leads on Facet’s Climate Planning Team, she is actively involved with sea level rise risk assessments and climate resiliency strategy development with several local jurisdictions, salmonid monitoring coordination, GIS services and UAV (drone) aerial imagery services. In addition to being a FAA licensed UAV pilot, she has a diverse set of skills and experiences including facilitation of citizen committees and technical work groups, management of restoration programs and scientific communications to policy and legislative decision makers. Dawn worked first for a tribal government and then for a county government where she managed habitat restoration grant programs. She was a member of several Puget Sound and State advisory committees and work groups pertaining to salmon recovery and climate resiliency. Dawn also supports Puget Sound salmonid research and monitoring partners by coordinating the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program’s Salmonid Work Group. Her goal is to advance ecosystem restoration and protection by connecting data to understanding, through sound science, effective coordination and communication, resulting in action. When not working or walking her dogs in a forest somewhere, Dawn is an active member of Ground Search and Rescue and Civil Air Search and Rescue with UAVs in British Columbia.