Miller, Sarah

Miller, Sarah

SK Miller Consulting

Sarah Miller is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) who currently serves as the contract Emergency Management Coordinator for the 16 cities of south King County, Washington. Prior to that, she was the Emergency Manager for the City of Auburn, Washington for 9 years. Her 25 years of public service includes 12 years as a public safety dispatcher and 9 years as a search and rescue volunteer. Sarah has been an adjunct faculty member at various colleges and universities since 2002. She currently teaches undergraduate courses at Jacksonville State University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and graduate courses at Georgetown University and Adler University. In addition, she works with a number of FEMA training partners to deliver courses across the country on topics including social media, whole community, climate adaptation, and situational awareness, as well as teaching in the National Basic and Advanced Emergency Management Academies. Sarah is active in the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM), currently serving as Vice-President of Region 10, Chair of the Emerging Technology Caucus, and as a member of both the Global Communications Work Group. She holds a Master of Public Administration degree in Emergency Management, is a graduate of the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy, and has completed doctoral work in homeland security, terrorism, and public policy. A native of Oregon, Sarah has lived in Washington State since 1997 with her husband and a random assortment of cats. You can find her on Twitter as @scba.