What can coastal resilience teach Tornado Alley?
Hint: it has to do with hurricane clips.

Follow-up on climate change grants in Massachusetts
We reported in January that the Patrick Administration in MA was ready to start a $40m grant program for coastal communities to prepare for climate change. $1m has been awarded in 10 grants so far. You can read all about it here.

New publication in the Library

Bobbak Talebi, network member and Coastal Planner at the Department of Ecology, has created a database of WA communities that are adapting to sea level rise. This was created for the Coastal Training Program’s new class, Sea Level Rise Adaptation: Planning Opportunities for Washington State. This database has been added to the CHRN library. We hope to have similar documents for other hazards available soon. If you know of a community taking action for sea level rise or other coastal hazards, email me through the link at the top of this page.