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Please reach out to anyone listed here with questions or any resource- or expertise-related inquiries.
Use the keywords to find CHRN members that work within each field of expertise.
The Washington Coastal Hazards Resilience Network (CHRN) membership includes over 75 members and 150 listserv subscribers who are coastal hazards and climate resiliency practitioners from federal, local, and state government agencies, tribes, academic institutions, consulting firms, and nonprofit organizations.
The CHRN is a community of practice and is not used for advertisements or marketing. Members are working together toward a common mission, and the CHRN is a mechanism to support the group’s collective capacity in providing the information, hands-on assistance, and leveraged resources needed to support community action.
If you are interested in subscribing to the CHRN listserv or joining CHRN as a member, visit this page for more information. For general inquiries or to update information on this page, please email the network’s co-manager, Henry Bell, at
- All
- Climate change
- Sea level rise
- Flooding
- Erosion
- Landslide
- Tsunami
- Earthquake
- Planning
- Scientific assistance
- Technical assistance
- Community Engagement
- Environmental Justice
- Nonprofit
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- State agency
- Federal agency
- Tribal government
- Academia / research
- Consultant
Alampay, Gabby
Gabby is a Coastal Geoscientist with the WA Department of Ecology’s Coastal Monitoring & Analysis Program (CMAP). Gabby is a licensed drone pilot and holds a MS degree in App...
Allen, Connie
Connie Allen is a community activist farming near the coastal beach known as WashAway. She is self-educated on the beneficial and destructive forces of the wind and water; adaptive...
Andrade, Charlene
Balderas Guzman, Celina
Dr. Celina Balderas Guzman is Assistant Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington. She works across environmental science and planning d...
Barnard, Phoebe
Phoebe Barnard works across the full gamut of science, policy, planning, management and communications in the fields of climate risk and resilience, global change ecology, ecosyst...
Baumgarten, Kurt
Kurt Baumgarten is the Port of Bellingham Environmental Planner. Since starting with the Port 6 years ago he has been working on various aspects of climate change and resilience as...
Bell, Henry
Henry Bell is a coastal planner at the Washington State Department of Ecology. He provides planning expertise and community assistance on coastal resilience and climate change whil...
Bindschlader, Robert
Dr. Robert Bindschadler retired in 2010 as the Chief Scientist of NASA’s Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory and a Senior Fellow of the Goddard Space Flight Center...
Blalock, Jackson
Jackson assists the communities of Pacific County, Grays Harbor County, and western Wahkiakum County to adapt to environmental changes, such as sea level rise, erosion, and habitat...
Bowers, Alyssa
Alyssa Bowers is the Washington State University King County Extension Director and an Assistant Professor of 4-H Youth Development, bringing over 10 years of experience in nonform...
Burgos, Alessandra
Alessandra (Ali) Burgos is the project manager for the Cascadia CoPes Hub with Oregon State University. She manages the Hub to foster collaboration and connections with coastal com...
Chang, Mike
Mike is the Director of Equity at Cascadia Consulting Group, and is a national leader in equitable climate action. He has led climate adaptation and mitigation planning projects th...
Chappelka, Ellen
Ellen Chappelka is a Coastal Resilience Specialist for the Washington State Emergency Management Division. Ellen works on the interagency Coastal Hazards Organizational Resilience ...
Connell, Ken
Ken Connell is a Senior Coastal Oceanographer with over 14 years of professional experience in multi-disciplinary applied coastal projects combining field studies, physical and n...
Cooper, Erin
Erin Cooper came to Washington state and joined FEMA Region 10 in 2019. She is currently working to integrate Endangered Species Act compliance into floodplain management standards...
Corbett, Catherine
Catherine Corbett has served as the Chief Scientist for the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership since 2008. She leads the Science Team and manages the habitat restoration, researc...
Côté, Jessica
Jessica Côté is a Coastal Engineer and the owner of a small woman owned engineering consultancy, Blue Coast Engineering. Her focus is on process-based studies to determine the...
Countryman, Chandler
Chandler Countryman is the Resilience and Adaptation Specialist for Washington Sea Grant and works with communities in Puget Sound coastal area and along Washington’s Pacific coa...
Curtiss, Gregory
Greg Curtiss is a senior coastal engineer at Blue Coast Engineering in Lake Forest Park, WA with 11 years of experience and is a licensed Professional Civil Engineer in the State ...
Davis, Elizabeth
Elizabeth is a field geologist and PhD candidate in Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington. Her research focuses on describing and dating coastal geologic evidenc...
Decker, Kevin
Kevin Decker is a Coastal Economist with Washington Sea Grant, housed within the College of the Environment at the University of Washington.
He works out of The Evergreen State ...
Dixon, Maximilian
Maximilian Dixon is the Hazards and Outreach Program Supervisor for the Washington State Military Department’s Emergency Management Division (WA EMD). He is responsible for coord...
Dragovich, Joe
Joe Dragovich grew up in Seattle where he found his love for geology early in life. Joe obtained his B.S. in geology from Washington State University in 1984 and his M.S. degree in...
Durgerian, Laura
As a landscape architect and urban designer, Laura works toward co-created climate adaptive design that provides the emotional infrastructure to support communities through disrupt...
Engel, Jessica
Jessica Engel is a Climate Preparedness Specialist for the King County Department of Natural Resources and Park’s Director’s Office. Jessica is working across multiple County ...
Ferrell, Tye
Tye has worked locally and internationally for a more sustainable and resilient future. As a Founder and Principal of Resilience Collaborative NW, he works with governments and bu...
Fishman, Sydney
As Coastal Management Specialist at Washington Sea Grant, Sydney Fishman helps shoreline and coastal decision-makers find solutions to their complex management issues. Her work spa...
Folger, Bret
Bret is the West Coast Regional Geospatial Coordinator for NOAA's Office for Coastal Management. He helps build and coordinate outreach and feedback around OCM's numerous geospatia...
Foster, Tom
Tom Foster is an Assistant Actuary in the Liberty Mutual Insurance Enterprise Risk Management group in Seattle. Tom has had various roles in the insurance and catastrophe modeling...
Freitag, Bob
Bob Freitag is Director of the Institute for Hazards Mitigation Planning and Research and Affiliate Faculty at the University of Washington. The Institute promotes hazards mitigat...
Fuller, Roger
Roger Fuller is a landscape ecologist and spatial project manager at Western Washington University, focusing on river floodplains and coasts. He concentrates on understanding clim...
Garrison-Laney, Carrie
Dr. Carrie Garrison-Laney is a Coastal Hazards Specialist and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory liaison at Washington Sea Grant, at the University of Washington. Carrie’s ...
Gates, Gus
In his role as the Washington Policy Manager, Gus coordinates the Surfrider Foundation Washington Chapters role on statewide policy initiatives such as ocean protection, coastal re...
Gerlach, Matt
Matt Gerlach is a Floodplain Management Planner with the Department of Ecology’s Southwest Regional office. Matt provides technical assistance to local governments implementing t...
Glaub, Gretchen
Grossman, Eric
Dr. Eric Grossman is a coastal and marine geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey who leads the USGS Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound Project on Large River Deltas that examines ...
Hals, Hansi
Hansi is the Environmental Planning Manager for Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe. She has worked for 20 years in environmental and conservation planning, water quality and salmon rec...
Harris, Erica
Erica Harris is a Coastal Scientist at AECOM in Seattle, where she specializes in nearshore processes, coastal hazards, and analyzing the role of climate change on coastal environ...
Hartwig, Juli
Juli Hartwig is the State Landscape Architect for the Washington State Department of Transportation. Statewide, she develops and champions the agency roadside policy and manages sp...
Hatheway, Darryl
Darryl Hatheway is a Certified Floodplain Manager and Sr. Coastal Scientist with AECOM. He has 40 years of experience in FEMA coastal flood insurance studies and mapping and is a c...
Johannessen, Jim
Jim Johannessen (MS, LEG) specializes in beach and estuarine assessment, mapping, and restoration design. He started CGS in 1993 and has performed coastal assessments and developed...
Johnson, Rachel
Rachel Johnson is an engineer at Herrera in Seattle, where she specializes in climate change planning for watersheds, stormwater, and coastal areas. Her work at Herrera includes co...
Kaminsky, George
George Kaminsky is a Coastal Engineer with the Washington State Department of Ecology with 25 years of applied research experience in coastal engineering and morphodynamics. Georg...
Kanzler, Susan
Susan Kanzler is the Stream Restoration Program Manager within WSDOT’s Environmental Services Office. She leads a team of professional biologists who manage, coordinate, and su...
Ketteridge, Kathy
Dr. Kathy Ketteridge has more than 17 years of experience in analysis and design of a wide variety of coastal engineering, restoration, and enhancement projects on the West, Gulf,...
Kramer, Casey
Casey Kramer is the Principal Engineer and owner of Natural Waters, LLC in Olympia, WA. Casey’s background is in the areas of hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, scour, r...
Lam, Jennifer
Jennifer Lam (she/her) is a director at ERG’s Blue Earth team and has 10+ years of experience in marine and coastal resource management, outreach and engagement, and strategic pl...
Landon, Kyle
Kyle Landon is a Coastal Engineer with Moffatt & Nichol, and is based out of Seattle. As a Coastal Engineer, he has contributed to the design and construction of marinas, urba...
Larson, Ann
Ann Larson has worked as a senior policy advisor and tribal liaison in state government for over 15 years. She is the Special Assistant to the Director at the WA Department of En...
Levkowitz, Michael
Michael Levkowitz currently works for Hagerty Consulting, where he supports efforts to incorporate mitigation and resilience into preparedness programs for clients across the Unite...
Linck, Noah
Noah Linck is a Coastal Planner at the Washington Department of Ecology. His focus at Ecology is working with coastal communities across Washington State on coastal hazards and cli...
Love, Katie
Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, I have always gravitated towards ocean and coastal ecosystems. After earning a bachelor's degree from Cal Poly SLO in Anthropology and G...
Lurie, Matt
Dr. Matt Lurie is an Environmental Planner with the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife and is part of the Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead (HSIL) team where he provides expertise ...
MacLennan, Andrea
Andrea MacLennan is a senior coastal geomorphologist at Herrara Environmental Consultants, where she integrates data to develop tools that can be used in nearshore restoration, con...
Mauger, Guillaume
Dr. Guillaume S. Mauger (Research Scientist, Climate Impacts Group, UW Seattle) is a climate scientist specializing in quantifying the impacts of climate change on human and natu...
Maverick, Avery
Avery Maverick is a Coastal Geologist with Coastal Geologic Services (CGS) in Bellingham, WA. Avery is a licensed geologist in the state of Washington. She holds a Master’s degre...
McCaffrey, Kelly
Kelly McCaffrey was brought aboard WDFW in 2022 to put in motion the recommendation, through the Puget Sound Action Agenda’s Implementation Strategy, to develop a Shoreline Revol...
McTeague, Brian
Brian McTeague is the Quantitative Services Manager for the Squaxin Island Tribe’s Natural Resources Department in Kamilche Washington. His primary job duties include;
Michalsen, David
David Michalsen began with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Portland District in 2004. He has been at the USACE, Seattle District since 2006 and is presently the Coastal ...
Miller, Ian
Dr. Ian Miller is Washington Sea Grant’s coastal hazards specialist, working out of Peninsula College in Port Angeles as well as the Olympic Natural Resources Center in Forks. D...
Miller, Sarah
Sarah Miller is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) who currently serves as the contract Emergency Management Coordinator for the 16 cities of south King County, Washington. Prior...
Moran, Bridget
Bridget is a Habitat Ecologist with the Skagit River System Cooperative's Habitat Protection Program. Bridget's work protects fish and shellfish habitat in the Skagit River watersh...
Morgan, Harriet
In close collaboration with internal and external partners, Harriet is working to facilitate the development and implementation of a coordinated agency response to the impacts of c...
Mull, Jeremy
Jeremy Mull is a Coastal Engineer at AECOM in Seattle, Washington. His work focuses on coastal vulnerability to flooding and inundation, sea level rise and climate change adaptati...
Murphy, Peyton
Peyton is a Land Use Planner with the City of Des Moines. She is a Certified Floodplain Manager with a background in environmental planning, specifically in shoreline and floodplai...
Nouri, Younes
Dr. Nouri is a coastal engineer with Moffatt &Nichol based in Seattle, WA with +10 years of professional and academic experience in coastal engineering and numerical modeling ...
Parsons, Jeff
Jeff Parsons is a coastal scientist at Herrera with nearly 20 years of experience working with coastal physical processes and their interaction with the built environment. Dr. Par...
Phillips, John
John has been working in the water industry since 1999. The wide variety of projects that John has worked on throughout his career have given him experience in emergency planning, ...
Phillips, Joyce
Joyce Phillips is a Senior Planner with the City of Olympia Community Planning & Development Department. She has over 25 years of planning experience, working at city, count...
Radach, Katrina
Katrina is the Monitoring Network Coordinator for Puget Sound Partnership where she supports the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program (PSEMP). PSEMP is a collaborative network ...
Roalkvam, Carol Lee
Carol Lee Roalkvam currently serves on the Guidance Committee for the USGS 2025 Biodiversity and Climate Change Assessment. Carol Lee recently retired from her long-time position a...
Rosen, Alex
Alex Rosen is Floodplain Management Specialist with the Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program (SEA) at the Washington Department of Ecology, working with communities alon...
Ruggiero, Peter
Peter Ruggiero is a Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. Ruggiero’s primary research interests include coastal geomorpho...
Schnitz, Ann
Ann Schnitz has over 30 years of academic and consulting experience in environmental toxicology and has performed human health and ecological risk assessments using both State and...
Sears, Tricia
Tricia is the Survey’s Geologic Planning Liaison. WGS established a Geologic Planning Liaison position to connect WGS science more effectively with other state agencies, local ju...
Sheehan, Lindsey
Lindsey is a hydrologist and coastal engineer specializing in sea-level rise planning and the restoration of coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Her work at ESA includes conducting a...
Sierra, Eduardo
Eduardo has been a Coastal Engineer and Oceanographer for over 18 years, specializing in the design of coastal and marine projects, including navigation channels, marinas, piers, p...
Snow, Hannah
Hannah is a civil engineer with eight years of experience in flood risk analysis and mitigation. As an engineer at FEMA Region 10, she is responsible for overseeing floodplain anal...
Spilsbury, Dawn
PSEMP Salmonid Work Group Coordinator
Dawn is an ecologist and GIS Analyst with 24 years of experience in the Pacific Northwest currently working with Facet, Inc.. As one of the...
Talebi, Bobbak
Bobbak Talebi is the Southwest Region Director at the Washington State Department of Ecology. In this role, Bobbak serves as an ambassador to Ecology’s director, and represents t...
Tappero, Elyssa
Elyssa Tappero serves as the Tsunami Program Manager for the Emergency Management Division (EMD) of the Washington State Military Department, where she manages the state’s annual...
Templeton, Will
Will Templeton is a Coastal Engineer with Coastal Geologic Services in Bellingham, WA. Will’s expertise includes numerical and statistical modeling of coastal and estuarine hydro...
Tennent, Hannah
Hannah is a climate change specialist for the Hoh Indian Tribe’s Natural Resources Department. As a 2023-2024 WA Sea Grant Hershman Fellow for the Tribe, she interviewed Tribal m...
Thomas, Christopher
Chris Thomas is a Senior Ports & Coastal Specialist at Baird & Associates, based in Gig Harbor, Washington. Chris has a technical background in coastal science, with experi...
Vogel, Jason
Jason Vogel is the Deputy Director of the UW Climate Impacts Group (CIG). Before joining the CIG, Dr. Vogel worked as a consultant for twelve years at Stratus Consulting and Abt As...
Walker, Brynne
Brynne Walker is a Floodplain Management Planner with Pierce County Planning and Public Works. She obtained an undergraduate degree from San Jose State University with a Bachelor ...
Weiner, Heather
Heather Weiner is a Coastal Geoscientist in the Coastal Monitoring & Analysis Program (CMAP) at the Washington State Department of Ecology, specializing in coastal hazards, ge...
Weiss, Natalie
Natalie is the Climate Resilience Coordinator for the City of Olympia. Her work integrates climate adaptation across the City and builds consensus for climate action. She is leadin...
Weller, Ethan
Ethan Weller is a Tsunami Program Coordinator for the Emergency Management Division of the Washington State Military Department. He works in the realms of tsunami alerting, respons...
Wells-Yoakum, Kayla
Kayla Wells-Yoakum is an Associate Professor with WSU Extension. She has her Master’s in Teaching from Washington State University (WSU) and her areas of expertise are outreach...
Whitman, Tina
Tina is staff scientist for Friends of the San Juans where she has managed shoreline research, restoration and protection programs for over 14 years. Tina received an interdiscipli...
Wolcott, Reid
Reid is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist with the National Weather Service (NWS) in Seattle, WA. In this role, Reid serves as the primary liaison between the NWS and its core...
Zerbe, Kevin
Kevin Zerbe is an applied geographer working in the disaster science and risk reduction space. His current position is as the State Mitigation Strategist with the Washington Emerge...
Zimmerman, Olivia
Olivia Zimmerman is a Coastal Resilience Project Coordinator, supporting development and implementation of habitat conservation, restoration, and coastal resilience projects alongs...